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 Integrated Tourism Development for Riviera Tourism Center (Taba-Nuwbeih Sector) – Flash Flood Protection of Riviera Tourism Center and Coastal Road 

Country and Location: North Sinai, Egypt.
Name of Client: Taba Company for Tourism Development.
Address: Tourism Development Authority, Mourad Street, Giza, Egypt.

Start Date


June 1997

Completion Date


February 2004

Narrative Description of Project:



The main objective of this study is to protect the Riviera Tourism Center and the Coastal Road (on Aquaba Gulf) from flash flood hazards through diverting the flash flood water in its natural path in adequately designed drainage channels/culverts, and reducing the acuteness of flash floods fronts through saving some of the water in the natural low areas. In addition, the urban planning of the Riviera Tourism Center will be developed in order to mitigate any possible flash flood hazards.


For this project,  SDA has developed a specific methodology to deal with the flash flood analysis and protection for the Riviera Center in cooperation with the Architect Consultant, that  have the following steps:


1) Field survey of 16 wadis area (longitudinal and cross-sections survey at selected points), soil investigation, and rainfall historical data collections.
2) Meteorological analysis of the tourism Center and obtaining rainfall storms conforming with (1,  5, 10, 20, 50, 100 years) return periods.
3) Morphological analysis of the wadis based on geographical maps to include branch numbering, length and area analysis.
4) Estimation of the hydrograph response of the wadi for different storms return periods using the hydro-morphological (computer-based) model.
5) Delineation of flood risk zone maps with their risk classifications (Very High, High, Medium, Low, and None) based on water level, speed and recurrences.
6) Calculation of various existing damages due to flash floods on infrastructure, urban development and economic activities for different return periods, in cooperation with the Architect Consultant.
7) Suggestions of options of protection and mitigation measures and carrying out their economical and financial feasibility. This leads to the selection of the optimum solution.
8) Carrying out the detailed design of the selected solution, including construction specification and bill of quantities for 14 different structures.
9) Preparation of the tendering documents and methods of contractors’ evaluation.
10) Supervision of execution and approval of final work.
11) Setting the procedure for the regular maintenance of the protection measure especially after the flash flood occurrences.
12) Regular monitoring of the protection measure for several rainfall storms to determine its effectiveness.


Description of Actual Services:


The service provided by SDA is of consulting nature where all consulting work of the study, design, and supervision and work acceptance for flash flood protection measures was carried out. Space Architect carried out the urban planning studies of the region and method of urban development that reduces the flash flood hazards. Arab Contracting Company made the execution of the protection work.

